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Why Con Artists Love the Cannabis Industry

Updated: Jul 18

The cannabis industry, despite its rapid growth and immense potential, has become a fertile ground for con artists. This phenomenon can be attributed to several unique characteristics of the industry, ranging from regulatory complexities and high financial stakes to a lack of established norms and the involvement of inexperienced entrepreneurs. Understanding why con artists do well in the cannabis industry is crucial for stakeholders to protect their investments and ensure the sector’s integrity.

Understanding Con Artists

A con artist, short for "confidence artist," is an individual who deceives others by gaining their trust and then exploiting it for personal gain. Con artists are masters of manipulation, often using charm, persuasion, and elaborate schemes to convince their victims to part with money, goods, or valuable information. They rely on a deep understanding of human psychology and leverage this knowledge to create scenarios that seem plausible and appealing but are ultimately fraudulent.

Con artists thrive on deceptive practices, engaging in fraudulent activities designed to deceive and swindle others. They excel in psychological manipulation, exploiting the trust and gullibility of their victims. The uncertainty and lack of standardized best practices in the cannabis industry make many people in this sector prime targets for such manipulation. Additionally, con artists employ a variety of schemes, including scams and other deceptive tactics, to achieve their goals. They often present themselves as though they are involved in numerous significant ventures and have uniquely valuable opportunities in the cannabis space, further luring their unsuspecting victims.

How to Spot a Con Artist : Warning Signs

Detecting a con artist can be challenging, as they are often skilled in deception and manipulation. However, there are several warning signs and behaviors to watch out for that can help you identify potential con artists. Here are some key indicators and strategies to detect if someone might be a con artist:

Too Good to Be True Offers:

  • Con artists often lure victims with offers that seem too good to be true, such as guaranteed high returns on investments, amazing deals, or quick and easy ways to make money. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Pressure to Act Quickly:

  • They create a sense of urgency, pressuring you to make a decision or take action immediately without giving you time to think it over or do proper research.

Lack of Transparency:

  • Con artists avoid providing clear and detailed information about themselves, their business, or their offer. They may give vague answers or dodge specific questions.

Inconsistent Stories:

  • Pay attention to inconsistencies in their stories or details that don’t add up. Con artists often have trouble keeping their lies straight over time.

Emotional Manipulation:

  • They play on your emotions, such as greed, fear, sympathy, or excitement, to cloud your judgment and push you into making hasty decisions.

Request for Upfront Payments:

  • Be wary of anyone who asks for money upfront for services or investments, especially if they require payment via unconventional methods like cash or cryptocurrencies.

Unverifiable Credentials:

  • Con artists often claim to have impressive credentials, affiliations, or connections that are difficult or impossible to verify. Always check their background and references.

Avoiding Written Agreements:

  • They may avoid putting agreements in writing or discourage you from seeking legal advice or involving third parties in the transaction.

Secretive Behavior:

  • They may insist on secrecy or ask you not to discuss the deal with anyone else, claiming that it’s a limited-time offer or a confidential opportunity.

Cannabis Industry an Ideal Con Artist Environment

The cannabis industry is often seen as a gold rush, attracting entrepreneurs and investors eager to capitalize on its perceived profitability. Many individuals and companies enter the market with high expectations and dreams of making it big. However, the reality of the industry involves tight profit margins, heavy regulation, and intense competition. This disparity between expectation and reality often results in blind optimism at the outset and desperation when the true challenges of operating or investing in a cannabis company become apparent. Con artists exploit this excessive optimism and subsequent desperation by offering quick fixes and seemingly foolproof schemes. They promise high returns with minimal risk, fully aware that individually or combined, blind optimism and desperation make individuals and businesses more likely to fall for their traps.

In short - new comers and business owners are insecure, unsure, desperate for a big win, and looking for comforting answers to their mountain of stressors. Enter the con artist. Let's dive in...

The ACFE’s 2020 Report to the Nations highlighted that the median loss per fraud case is about $125,000, with 21% of cases causing losses of $1 million or more. In the context of the cannabis industry, which is still growing and stabilizing, such losses can be particularly devastating.

Regulatory Complexities and Loopholes

The cannabis industry operates within a complex and evolving legal framework, which varies significantly across jurisdictions. This intricate regulatory environment creates numerous opportunities for con artists to exploit ambiguities and loopholes. Understanding how these regulatory complexities can be manipulated is crucial for stakeholders to protect their investments and ensure compliance with all relevant laws.

  • Jurisdictional Variability: Differing state laws can confuse even seasoned investors, providing con artists with the chance to present false compliance claims or non-existent licensing opportunities.

  • Complex Compliance: The intricate compliance requirements, including licensing, testing, and reporting, can be overwhelming. Con artists often claim to have “inside” knowledge or “special” capabilities to navigate these complexities, enticing unwary investors.

two men shaking hands over a wooden desk with a contract  and lady justice statue on the table

High Financial Stakes

The financial allure of the cannabis industry, characterized by high potential returns and significant capital influx, attracts both legitimate investors and opportunistic fraudsters. The promise of substantial profits and the misconception that cannabis business is an easy win can make stakeholders less vigilant, creating a fertile ground for con artists. Examining the dynamics of high financial stakes in the cannabis sector helps to understand why it is so susceptible to fraudulent activities.

Attracting Investors

The cannabis industry's high potential returns attract a significant amount of capital. However, the lure of quick profits can make investors less cautious and more susceptible to fraudulent schemes.

  • Promise of High Returns: Con artists often promise extraordinarily high returns on investment, leveraging the industry's hype to attract capital quickly.

  • Cash-Heavy Business: The nature of cannabis transactions, often involving large amounts of cash due to banking restrictions, makes it easier for fraudsters to misappropriate funds without immediate detection.

Lack of Established Norms

As a relatively new and rapidly growing sector, the cannabis industry lacks the established norms and best practices found in more mature industries. This absence of standardization and regulatory consistency provides an advantageous environment for con artists. By recognizing the ways in which cannabis businesses are more vulnerable than other industries, such as in the management of cash, businesses can implement safeguards to protect themselves from fraudulent schemes.

This lack of standardization creates an environment where fraudulent behavior can go unchecked.

  • Absence of Best Practices: Without well-established industry standards, businesses might not have rigorous due diligence processes, making them vulnerable to scams.

  • Emerging Market: As an emerging market, the industry attracts many first-time entrepreneurs and investors who may lack the necessary experience to spot and avoid fraud.

Emerging industries, like cannabis, often experience higher rates of fraud due to regulatory gaps and the fast pace of growth. A PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey found that 47% of companies in rapidly growing markets reported experiencing fraud in the past two years.

Involvement of Inexperienced Entrepreneurs

The cannabis industry attracts many first-time entrepreneurs who are often driven by enthusiasm but lack the necessary business acumen to navigate its complexities. This inexperience makes them prime targets for con artists who can easily exploit their naivety. Con artists exploit this naivety by presenting themselves as knowledgeable insiders. Understanding the challenges faced by inexperienced entrepreneurs is essential for fostering a more secure and knowledgeable business environment. Working with good cannabis industry lawyers and consulting firms like Cann Strategy can help investors and entrepreneurs suss out the cons.

  • Overconfidence: New entrants might overestimate their understanding of the market and be more likely to trust con artists who claim to have expert knowledge or exclusive opportunities.

  • Lack of Due Diligence: Inexperienced entrepreneurs might not conduct thorough background checks or demand sufficient documentation, making them easy targets for fraud.

Rapid Timelines and Hype

The rapid growth and constant media buzz around the cannabis industry create a sense of urgency and fear of missing out (FOMO) among investors. This hype, along with the limited windows of opportunity for getting cannabis business licenses in most states, can lead to rushed decisions and overlooked due diligence, which con artists exploit to their advantage. Con artists leverage this urgency to push quick decisions and bypass thorough vetting processes. Ask any of the many failed business partnerships and investments in the cannabis industry and you'll hear that there were misrepresentations made early on and partnerships formed solely based on those misrepresentations because there was a tight deadline and no time to conduct due diligence on individuals. `

  • Urgency and Pressure: Fraudsters often create a sense of urgency, pressuring investors to act quickly under the guise of securing a limited-time opportunity.

  • Hype-Driven Decisions: Investors driven by hype may overlook red flags in their eagerness to capitalize on perceived high-growth opportunities.

Examples of Frequent Cannabis Industry Cons

By being aware of these common cons, businesses can better navigate the complexities of the cannabis industry and make more informed decisions.

Severely Underdeveloped Technologies Sold as the Best of the Best

One of the most pervasive issues in the cannabis industry is the marketing of severely underdeveloped technologies as cutting-edge solutions. These products often come with high price tags and grand promises but fail to deliver on performance, reliability, and efficiency. Whether it's software platforms for inventory management or cultivation equipment, businesses may find themselves investing in subpar technology that ultimately hinders their operations and drains resources.

Guaranteeing Licensure in Any Market

Another significant con is companies or consultants who guarantee licensure in any market. The cannabis licensing process is highly competitive and varies greatly from state to state, with no absolute certainties. Any entity that promises a guaranteed license is likely using deceptive tactics to lure in clients. The reality is that while experienced consultants can significantly improve your chances, there are no guarantees in this complex and often unpredictable regulatory environment.

Capital Management Lying About Their Assets and Client Trust

In the financial sector of the cannabis industry, some capital management firms falsely inflate the amount of money they manage and the number of clients who trust them. These deceptive practices can mislead businesses into believing they are partnering with a more reputable and successful firm than they are. This can lead to poor investment decisions and financial instability for cannabis businesses relying on dishonest capital managers.

Some con artists have operated Ponzi schemes, where returns to earlier investors are paid from the capital of newer investors rather than from profit earned. One example of this is El Capitan and Casa Verde who claimed to be managing $20B in assets and conned one large multi state operator into trusting them to manage their money, which they then used to pay out every other customer they had.

Investment fraud is prevalent in the cannabis industry. The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) reports that cannabis-related investment scams are increasingly common, with fraudsters promising high returns with low risk to attract investors.

Selling Flawed Equipment as the Must-Have Machinery

The sale of flawed equipment marketed as essential machinery is another common con. Manufacturers or distributors may exaggerate the capabilities and reliability of their equipment, convincing businesses that these tools are indispensable. However, these products often come with hidden defects, inefficiencies, or are outright ineffective, causing operational disruptions and additional costs for repairs or replacements.

Promising Unreasonably Large Yields

Lastly, the promise of unreasonably large yields is a tactic used to attract and deceive growers. Some companies claim their products—be it fertilizers, lights, or other cultivation aids—can produce yields far beyond what is realistically achievable. These exaggerated claims can lead to disappointment and financial loss when the promised yields do not materialize, leaving growers with lower-than-expected returns on their investments.

Preventative Measures

To mitigate the risk of falling victim to con artists, it is essential to adopt stringent preventative measures. This involves thorough due diligence, legal consultation, clear contractual agreements, and active industry networking. By implementing these strategies, stakeholders can safeguard their investments and contribute to a more secure and reputable cannabis industry.

Protecting Investments

To mitigate the risk of falling victim to con artists in the cannabis industry, stakeholders should adopt stringent preventative measures:

  • Thorough Due Diligence: Conduct comprehensive background checks on potential partners and verify their claims through independent sources.

  • Legal Consultation: Engage with legal experts who specialize in cannabis law to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

  • Clear Contracts: Ensure that all agreements and transactions are documented clearly and legally binding.

  • Industry Networking: Build a network within the industry to share information and learn from the experiences of other professionals.

  • Take Your Time: Don’t rush into anything. Take the time to think it over, do your research, and consult with others. Legitimate opportunities will still be there after you’ve done your due diligence.

  • Ask about weaknesses: Con Artists have a hard time admitting any weakness and they often lack the ability to self reflect. They will be more likely than others to paint a picture of flawless perfection in an opportunity, or they'll be triggered by the question and act out in ways such as: gaslighting, becoming overly defensive, throwing insults, questioning your intelligence and understanding of business and the cannabis industry, and/or attempting to take control of the situation by asserting that they have the power to take the opportunity away.


Con artists in the cannabis industry are adept at identifying and exploiting specific vulnerabilities inherent in the sector. By understanding these vulnerabilities—such as regulatory ambiguities, inexperienced entrepreneurs, high financial stakes, rapid market growth, lack of established norms, and complex supply chains—industry stakeholders can take proactive steps to protect themselves. Implementing thorough vetting processes, staying informed about industry regulations, and maintaining a healthy skepticism towards too-good-to-be-true offers are essential strategies for safeguarding against fraud in this burgeoning industry.

It's important to have good people on your side while continuing to build your cannabis business.

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